Friday, December 11, 2009

Times Square visit

I went to Tims Square today.
Plan to look for some clothes and handbags
end up I bought a Opera shoe
love that shoe so much
I also bought a Bum pink colour purse
Ate lunch at White house
I ate Tomyam chicken rice and a tomyam soup is given
The chicken rice is nice but the soup is NOT!!!
After I took picture with the christamas tree

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

3 days work in Autocity

It is the easiest job I have ever getA 5 hour job.
First Day (4th Dec 2009)
We were late for half and hour. Viwen drove. Both of us were very tired because we were rushing for our advertising assignments last night. I was so shocked when they ask me to have dinner. I thought that a 5 hour job is not entitled for a break. Wow, so damn syok. I ate KFC Hot Rod and wedges. I saw even yo on stage. He is so cool.
Second Day (5th Dec 2009)
Today we were late for half and hour again. Viwen went to McD to buy Twister Fries. After eating that, she say she feels like she is going to fall sick. Oh My God. If she falls sleep, who is going to drive back to Georgetown??? I cant drive manual and Min is still not good in driving skills. We walked to McD to have our dinner and it takes half and hour. Luckily she is still able to drive back.
Third Day (6th Dec 2009)
Today I went to Pc Fair. I bought a Sonic Gear speaker which costs me RM95. After that, I ordered from my friend, Daniel, a 320gb external hdd. Again it costs me RM230. Arghh, I spent so much today. After that, I message Viwen to inform her to pick us up in my house. But, she replied me, I gt high fever, I cannot go work. I was so so damn shocked, It was already going to be 4 o'clock when she inform us that. How am I gonna arrange transport and W=where to find people replace her place? I called some friends to go for work. But, noone is able to do so. Suddenly it comes to my mind to call Philip. Luckily he could pick us up in jetty and drop us in autocity. We were late for 1 hour. Afetr that, we had dinner for 40 minutes and ends work at 10.45pm. Again we eat KFC since there is nothing else to eat.

Rocks You On!!!

Rock concert campaign 20/10/2010 calendar




Sunday, November 22, 2009

dekstop publishing

magazine cover

Friday, November 20, 2009

magazine cover

magazine cover done by mee

Thursday, November 19, 2009

many feelings at once

Now I feel so hungry
I oso feel like going for a ride in bicycle
Somemore now just come period hais
I wanted to do my assignment but thatphotoshop so naughty
don't allow me to do
photoshop is a software whereby it gives lots of troble to people
wrong click then bye bye d
shit la
i ask so many people the same question but noone can answer my question
My question is:
1. Why is my gradient in photoshop cannot be applied to d layer?
2. Where can I rent a bicycle in Penang?
But, no one could answer my question..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please Forgive me

What have I done just now?
You were okay when on call
But after I keep on rush you, you turned moody
Is it because I shouted at you just now?
I am really sorry but it is you that make me frustrated first
I already told you that be here by 8.45
but when I call you, you were still blowing your hair
I really got so ‘pek chek’ when I am waiting for you
but you are taking your own sweet time to do your stuff
So, you cannot blame that I shouted on you
I really cannot control myself just now
I know that I have once promised you that I will not
speak to you at a high volume
but just now is a different situation
Real sorry ya
Do forgive me, please.
I promise I will try my best to control my emotions

high cholesterol

For the past two days i have eaten too much seafood especially crabs.
On Sunday, I went to Tambun and ate steam fish, prawn, lala, sotong, crabs and oyster. Yesterday i again ate 4 crabs.
I think my cholesterol will increase a lot in this 2 days

Monday, November 02, 2009


I slept at 3.30sm yesterday night because rushign for my mass media assignment.
I wokr up at 7 this morning. So tired but when I lye on bed, I can't sleep. Haih... Just now Kelly called me to work this weekend.m Good. Can earn money again. When she told me that
I have to promote Wyeth, I feel so funny because I just completed my Wyeth project uncer Malcus company. But, I think my time will be pack now because I have lots and lots of assignment to go.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breast Cancer Campiagn held in LT1, Han Chiang College

After listening to the talk, i think i so in trouble

women who were born in a family with breast cancer at higher risk of getting it

cham liao lo

my grandma have it

so i ma at high risk liao lo

gai lo...

when i touch the fake breast, i cant feel the lumps

bt the second time i touch it, i can feel it

bt have to press very hard oni can feel it

so if pree my own de so hard then ma very pain lo...


hw nice is it if there is a world which is disease-free???

Stop calling me dear, please

Please, please and please
Every single time u call me that, i 'mo kui chang' u noe???
I really feel like stop worjing to escape from u...
Bt it is impossible cs i wan money..
Do u actually realize that every time u walk towards me, i will walk away???
I really hope that i could escape from YOU!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I do not want to be involved.....

I do not want to be involved in u and her prob
U said u wna tackle me bt after find out dat I gt bf u gv up then go tackle her
Bt of so many girl, y must u choose a les 1???
Then nw u guys gt prob, u put the blame on me
Bt, y is it dat u wna take me as an excuse???

Since the day I noe u, u keep on saying dat u r very very rich and u use to be a playboy
So??? Do I care???
Till now I din see proves that u r frm rich family
All I noe is frm words not image

Now, u turn into me again and say all those sweet sweet things to me
Bt seriously I find it so geli la
- Au cui-
I will never fall on u
Cs I luv my lao gong vy much
N stop telling me what u n her hav done b4.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Choose to ask then please trust

Today someone asked me bout the assignment through msn
After explaining for so long
u noe wat she ask???
this phrase make so TL nia lo'
If u choose to ask me then don't ask me 'R U Sure'???
If u wanna ask me then PLEASE trust me
If don't trust me then
or u will make me tl u...


I finally manage to put the songs in my profile page
so so so damn happy
i am trying it for hours and now i can make it d
thx a lot to seanx baybeh, kam sia
nw i think i can enjoy the life of blogging


At last,
I got my own blog..
Previously I got 1 in Xanga but I find it so hard to use.
And now, I got this.
hehez =D

songs planet