Friday, November 20, 2009

magazine cover

magazine cover done by mee

Thursday, November 19, 2009

many feelings at once

Now I feel so hungry
I oso feel like going for a ride in bicycle
Somemore now just come period hais
I wanted to do my assignment but thatphotoshop so naughty
don't allow me to do
photoshop is a software whereby it gives lots of troble to people
wrong click then bye bye d
shit la
i ask so many people the same question but noone can answer my question
My question is:
1. Why is my gradient in photoshop cannot be applied to d layer?
2. Where can I rent a bicycle in Penang?
But, no one could answer my question..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Please Forgive me

What have I done just now?
You were okay when on call
But after I keep on rush you, you turned moody
Is it because I shouted at you just now?
I am really sorry but it is you that make me frustrated first
I already told you that be here by 8.45
but when I call you, you were still blowing your hair
I really got so ‘pek chek’ when I am waiting for you
but you are taking your own sweet time to do your stuff
So, you cannot blame that I shouted on you
I really cannot control myself just now
I know that I have once promised you that I will not
speak to you at a high volume
but just now is a different situation
Real sorry ya
Do forgive me, please.
I promise I will try my best to control my emotions

high cholesterol

For the past two days i have eaten too much seafood especially crabs.
On Sunday, I went to Tambun and ate steam fish, prawn, lala, sotong, crabs and oyster. Yesterday i again ate 4 crabs.
I think my cholesterol will increase a lot in this 2 days

songs planet