Tuesday, December 08, 2009

3 days work in Autocity

It is the easiest job I have ever getA 5 hour job.
First Day (4th Dec 2009)
We were late for half and hour. Viwen drove. Both of us were very tired because we were rushing for our advertising assignments last night. I was so shocked when they ask me to have dinner. I thought that a 5 hour job is not entitled for a break. Wow, so damn syok. I ate KFC Hot Rod and wedges. I saw even yo on stage. He is so cool.
Second Day (5th Dec 2009)
Today we were late for half and hour again. Viwen went to McD to buy Twister Fries. After eating that, she say she feels like she is going to fall sick. Oh My God. If she falls sleep, who is going to drive back to Georgetown??? I cant drive manual and Min is still not good in driving skills. We walked to McD to have our dinner and it takes half and hour. Luckily she is still able to drive back.
Third Day (6th Dec 2009)
Today I went to Pc Fair. I bought a Sonic Gear speaker which costs me RM95. After that, I ordered from my friend, Daniel, a 320gb external hdd. Again it costs me RM230. Arghh, I spent so much today. After that, I message Viwen to inform her to pick us up in my house. But, she replied me, I gt high fever, I cannot go work. I was so so damn shocked, It was already going to be 4 o'clock when she inform us that. How am I gonna arrange transport and W=where to find people replace her place? I called some friends to go for work. But, noone is able to do so. Suddenly it comes to my mind to call Philip. Luckily he could pick us up in jetty and drop us in autocity. We were late for 1 hour. Afetr that, we had dinner for 40 minutes and ends work at 10.45pm. Again we eat KFC since there is nothing else to eat.

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